capturing sunrise at bromo

sept 2009

I woke up 3 am in the morning,
wore 3 pieces clothes, gloves, scarf, socks n jacket.
n we're leaving without any breakfast..
it's about 1 hour trip from our villa.
we travelled by jeep not very comfortable but it's necessary to climb up the rocky hill. n we still have to walk. it's not far but the darkness n freezing morning makes our climbing a bit hard...
but i captured the sunrise and it's worth the effort..
and bromo is so beautiful...


Frans Hartanto said...

Matahari terbit yang bagus banget, sukses Fanny, posting terus, jerih payah yang tidak sia-sia.

Anonymous said...


Fanny Sutanto said...

thanks... ^^

Vie Oranje said...

kueren tul...

Peter S. Sebastian said...

Alangkah indah karya ciptaan Tuhan..
"Sebab apa yang tidak nampak dari pada-Nya, yaitu kekuatan-Nya yang kekal dan keilahian-Nya, dapat nampak kepada pikiran dari karya-Nya sejak dunia diciptakan, sehingga mereka tidak dapat berdalih" (Rm. 1:20).

fadri said...

boii... fotonya bgss skalii... bromo yg bagus atau yg fotonya yg baguss neh?!! huehehehe...

Fanny Sutanto said...

huahauha.. bromonya teng...

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